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| Buffalo, NY 14228



716-377-7331 & 716-226-0073

EMR/EHR Software

A Fantastic Opportunity to Automate Your Practice!

Take Advantage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). Effective 2017 through 2019.

The Quality Payment Program makes Medicare better by helping you focus on care quality and the one thing that matters most – making patients healthier. The Quality Payment Program gives you new tools, models, and resources to help you give your patients the best possible care. You can choose how you want to take part based on your practice size, specialty, location, or patient population.

The Quality Payment Program has 2 tracks you can choose from:

1- Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
2- Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs).


Rolls existing quality programs (Physician Quality Reporting System, Value-Based Payment Modifier, and Meaningful Use) into one budget-neutral program where providers are scored on quality, cost, improvement activities, and EHR2 use, and assigned payment adjustment accordingly.


Rewards providers with a 5% annual bonus from 2019-2024 if they have a significant share of their Medicare revenue and/or patients in contracts that include two-sided payment risk (e.g. Next Generation ACO program).

Merit -Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Reporting Requirements

Physicians qualifying under the MIPS (Nearly 90% eligible clinicians will likely be subject to the MIPS track for payment in 2019) are required to report under four performance categories:

  • Quality

  • Resource Use

  • Clinical Practice Improvement Activities

  • Advancing Care Information

EMR E-Z Lease program is available to help doctors delay making payments to match potential stimulus reimbursements!

Finance Program Available for Clinics Purchasing EHR Manager Today Today!

  • Doctors can get Certified EMR software today with no cash outlay
  • No payments due for first 90 days
  • Then 3 monthly payments of $99
  • Regular payments commence in the 7th month
  • Subject to credit approval

* Information about government incentives and meaningful use can be found at Please visit this website to see how the EMR/EHR Incentive program applies to your specific situation.